showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Battle Cruiser Action Mytopia Gameware Institute1981 1910s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 5.25disk apple2 apple2p difficulty tactical uvl-confusable warfare-sea worldwar1 labelminimizeminimize
Stellar Action Mytopia Gameware Institute1981 5.25disk apple2 apple2p difficulty tactical uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Warrior of Ras: Volume I - Dunzhin Screenplay1982 anatomicdamage automap dwarves elves fogofwar gems healthregen mapgenerator monsters roguelike tactical thieves traps weefolk zombies labelimagesubject
Galactic Adventures SSI1983 5.25disk combatmode tactical labelimageminimize
Warriors of Ras: Volume II - Kaiv  Screenplay (Intelligent Statements)1983 5.25disk anatomicdamage automap dwarves elves fogofwar gems healthregen mapgenerator monsters roguelike tactical thieves traps weefolk wordinput zombies labelimagesubject
Wizard's Crown SSI1986 combatmode killerrabbits tactical labelimageminimize
MX-151  Kingformation1987 combatmode commercial license-proprietary tactical labelminimizeminimize